Quick User Update (password reset)

This guide will show how to use the Quick User Update form in Avatar to reset a password. Please note this guide assumes those reading it have access to the form – as a rule, only one user per program is allowed access to the Quick User Update form. 

Step-by-step guide

Once you have searched and found the form within your Form Search and launched it, you will see the following: 

The form only has one section with only the fields shown. To look up a user and reset their password, perform the following steps:

  1. Look up the user in the "Select User" field. You can search last names or first names; please verify you are selecting the correct user, then hit Enter/Return when that name is highlighted in green or double-left click to populate the name in the field. 

2. Once selected, the user information will show in the "User ID" and "User Description" field, as well, Re-verify that you have selected the correct user. 

 3. To generate a new password, click the "Generate New Password" button and a randomly-generated, temporary password will appear in the "System Generated Password" field. If you don't like the password, you can hit the "Generate New Password" button again to create a new random password – please note the password will not take effect until you have hit the "Submit" button. 

4. Hit the "Submit" button. Make sure to check that the "Deactivate" box is not checked, otherwise the reset will not work. Uncheck the box prior to submitting if it is checked (more on that below). 

5. When finished, Avatar will ask if you want to return to form. Note this will be the last time you can see the reset password. Please note it if you haven't done so already as it will disappear once you answer the question. Click "Yes" to return to the form to reset another password, or "No" to exit the form and return to your Home View. 

Deactivated Users

If you pull up a user account and notice the "Deactivate" box is checked, this means:

  1. The user has tried and failed to login at least nine (9) times as Avatar allows eight failed logins before automatically deactivating the user's account. As mentioned above, this box must be unchecked prior to submitting, otherwise the reset password will not work. 
  2. The account was purposely deactivated as a result of termination paperwork submitted to Help Desk.
    1. If the user is being re-hired, the "Deactivate" box can simply be unchecked and the password reset. If the user has different access needs, however, Avatar support will have to make those changes as the user will simply have the access they had before upon reactivation. 


As a reminder, logging into an account for an EHR system that is not your own is a HIPAA violation and could result in disciplinary action, as is allowing someone else to use your account. Do not share your account or password and follow proper HIPAA guidelines for setting good, strong passwords and storing them safely if you cannot commit them to memory.