User Definition Report - How To Use

This guide will show step-by-step instructions on how to run and work the User Definition Report. This report is available to admin staff along with users that create & maintain Avatar practitioner accounts. 


Step-by-step guide

To find/launch the report:

  1. Go to the Search Forms area of your Forms & Data widget:
  2. Input an appropriate search term to initiate a search (i.e. "User" or "Definition")
  3. Double click on the report or hit Enter when it is highlighted in green

 Once the report is launched, select your parameters:

  1. Select your program (please note this field is not required, but if no program is chosen it will run on all available programs)
  2. Select "Active" for the User Status field
  3. Select "All" for the Practitioner field
  4. For the Mobile or OrderConnect Users field, it is suggested to make no selection
  5. Click "Process" to initiate the query and run the report

Note: for this and all Avatar drop-down fields, if a selection is incorrectly made and you want to clear it, click into the field and hit shift+F5 and the field should become blank

After running the report, it will produce in Crystal Report Viewer. The features of the report will follow the screenshot:

  1. Date the report was run
  2. Parameters selected (please note if you see users you are unfamiliar with or do not work for your program, please verify you've selected your program correctly)
  3. UserID and User Name - these fields are input by IT, and should match the information received on the UAR form and the network/e-mail username issued by the Help Desk
  4. Pract. Category, Registration Date and Termination Date are all input by program staff creating/maintaining the Practitioner Accounts (a notable exception are the LA and AZ-area programs, as this is done by a Corporate representative due to county/state billing requirements)
  5. Mobile User and OrderConnect User columns will only show data if users have been granted access to those applications. If your program does not use either of those applications, these columns should be blank and can be ignored. 

The report will show all program based users with access excluding regionals, which should fall under Corporate for allocation purposes. What this means is, if there are staff that are not based at your program but have been given access either to cover shifts or for other support reasons, they will show up. For cost allocation purposes, the cost for users with multiple program access are dispersed evenly among them.

For example, a user with a single program will have 100% of the license cost allocated to that program, but a user with 4 programs will have 25% of the license cost evenly distributed among those 4 programs – but this only applies to regular Avatar accounts and not Mobile or OrderConnect licenses, which are charged 100% to the program that requested them. 

At the end of each report, you will see summary totals:

  1. Total active users at your program
  2. Totals for Mobile and OrderConnect users, if applicable

Exporting reports from Avatar

Once the report has been produced, it can be exported. Instructions on exporting from Avatar are here: How to Export Reports from Avatar (Crystal Reports Viewer). Note that this report contains no PHI. 

Please detail your changes in an obvious way (i.e. adding a column to for requested change, highlighting cells, etc.). Once you're finished with the changes, you can send the spreadsheet with your changes to your Avatar system administrator. If no changes are needed, the export and review steps can be skipped and no information needs to be sent, however, you can keep the export for your records should you wish to maintain a snapshot of your active users.