OrderConnect - Login failed. The patient submitted does not exist in for the given facility (1507)


This error message can occur when using the Launch OrderConnect form within Avatar to use the Orderconnect application. See screenshot:


This is typically caused by the data exchange between Avatar and OrderConnect not occurring, so OrderConnect simply doesn’t have the patient information. The usual cause for this has been the “Sex” field within the Admission form not having a Male or Female selection. To check this, you would want to:

  1. Look up the client’s sex/gender selection (you can do this within the Admission or Update Client Data form)

  2. Verify selection in the “Sex” field (if you are encountering this issue, it is likely “Unknown”)

If “Unknown” is selected, data will not push to OrderConnect as that information is required. Once you have made a selection, the push should occur within moments and your launch of OrderConnect should proceed as normal. However, if there is already a male or female selection, please contact Help Desk to open a support ticket.

Help Desk can be reached at helpdesk@telecarecorp.com or 800-930-5952