More than 100 matches found - Please refine search (Admission Error)

This error has occurred when attempting to admit a client. When entering a new admission, users have encountered this error after putting in the demographic information for the client and receiving this after clicking “Search”:

This seems to occur no matter how many pieces of information are entered (i.e. name, sex, DOB, SS#). At this time, we have not figured out exactly why this occurs.


The only solution for this error currently is to change part of the information being entered for the search, then correct it when within the Admission or Admission (Outpatient) form. Examples are:


  • Only enter Date of Birth (DOB) or SS# (Social Security number) along with Sex. If you do not have that information, then the only option is…

  • Change the client name, then correct it once in the Admission form. This method isn’t advisable, since if the client has been in with Telecare before and has an episode in Avatar, we will want that record to continue. That being said, if you don’t have the DOB or SS#, you wouldn’t be able to verify your new client is the same as an existing client anyway.

    • Note if the latter method is used and later you find the client indeed has a prior episode, please open a Help Desk ticket to request a client merge

If more information becomes available, we will update this article.