Deleting a Nursing Shift Note

While other types of notes can only be deleted/voided via a different process (i.e. progress notes), nursing shift notes can be deleted by any user with access to the form. However, this cannot be done via the Chart View where many view the notes, but via the Home View. 

Step-by-step guide

If you are not at your Home View, click the "Home" button located in the top left corner of the application. From there, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Forms & Data widget and search the Nursing Shift Note using the Form Search; double-click or hit Enter to launch it. 

  • If you do not have a client already selected Avatar will ask for a client; enter the client's Avatar ID or name to find them. Once you've selected your client you'll see the episode selection screen; select the episode for the note you want to delete and click "OK"

  • You'll then be brought to a list of shift notes for the episode you have selected sorted by date (newest on top). Select the note to delete, then hit the "Delete" button near the bottom. Please note that once a note has been deleted it cannot be brought back, so make sure to verify the note you want to delete is highlighted in green. 

If your shift notes are in Final status, they cannot be deleted with this method and must be placed back into Draft status first. Your program leadership (i.e. Clinical Director, Director of Nursing, Administrators, Director of Rehab, etc.) will have access to do this via the "Final to Draft Override" form.