Telecare LA ACT Group Progress Note NEW - face to face time issue


When in the "Group Default Note" section of the Telecare LA ACT Group Progress Note NEW, time put into the "Face to Face Time" field is overwritten after putting time into the "Other Time" field. 


This is a known bug, and as of  there is no ETA on a permanent solution. However, there is a workaround which, in testing, seems to work to allow the proper entry into the Face to Face Time field. 

Normal use of these two fields would likely usually be to first enter your Face to Face time, then move to enter the Other Time. However, upon leaving the Other Time field, the value from that field will then pop into the Face to Face Time field. To avoid this, follow these steps:

  • Enter the "Other Time" first

  • The time you enter into "Other Time" will then pop into "Face to Face" time

  • Click into the "Face to Face" time field, delete whatever is there and input your face to face time

From there, you should be able to move onto the next step in your group notes and the last time you input into the "Face to Face" time field will remain there. In testing we fully submitted a group note and verified the time remained the same on the client ledger as well.