Widget Exceeded the Time Limit Allowed


A widget, usually on the Home View, does not display any data and instead indicates that it has "exceeded the time limit allowed." 

Widgets are allotted a short period of time, usually a few seconds, to find and display data. This is to lessen the impact running widgets may have on the system overall, as widgets are usually resource-intensive and can slow the system down if allowed to run for long periods of time. 


There are two things you can try prior to contacting the Help Desk:

Use the "Refresh" button, located in the upper right-corner of the widget. 

Alternately, you can log out and back in, which should initiate a refresh. However, please bear in mind some widgets do not retrieve data until a client is selected. 

Please note as of , the Avatar team is not investigating tickets regarding this error. As this widget can produce this error because of poor/spotty internet as well as other factors, a resolution to force the widget to work more consistently isn't currently available. We are looking into other methods to assist but this may involve removing data from the widget. At this time, however, that is a lower priority item and we will send notification of any changes prior to making them.